Tag Archives: NSX-T

VMware NSX-T 3.x Advanced Deploy (3V0-41.22) Exam Review

I successfully ended 2023 by passing the VMware advanced exam based on NSX-T 3.x, which made me become a new VCAP-NV Deploy certified, but also a VCIX-NV as I previously passed the advanced design exam.

It’s actually been a while since I thought of taking that exam and I’m glad I finally did it 😃.

As I usually publish exam review posts after passing an exam, this time is no exception and I’m happy to share with you my experience.

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VCAP-NV Deploy 2023 Digital Badge

Getting ready for the exam

First Thing First

Well, as usual, the first thing to do is to review the exam guide or blueprint. You’ll find there some exam details you need to know as well as all the different sections that will be covered during the exam. Continue reading

Farewell NSX-T! Now Welcome VMware NSX!

VMware released NSX 4.0 a few days ago, and took that opportunity to rename the product “VMware NSX“, replacing the well-known NSX-T Data Center.

As many of you know by now, NSX-V (NSX for vSphere) is no longer supported since earlier this year and many customers have already started the transition to migrate from NSX-V to NSX-T. There is then no reason to keep the name NSX-T Data Center and it makes more sense to simply keep “NSX”.

What’s new in NSX 4.0

NSX 4.0 is a major release with new networking and security features as well as some enhancements.

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VMware NSX-T 3.0 (2V0-41.20) Exam Review

VMware NSX-T 2.4: High-Level Architecture

On January 22 2021, I successfully passed the 2V0-41.20 exam based on NSX-T 3.0 which made me a new happy VCP-NV. I thought it would be nice to share with you my experience with this exam.

VCP-NV 2021 Digital Badge

How to prepare for the exam

For the record, I was initially going for the NSX-T 2.4 exam before it expires but I found myself pretty busy so I preferred to wait a little bit and get prepared for version 3.0.

I sat a while back for the NSX-T 2.4 ICM class that helped me a lot to understand the product. I have to say that this was one of the best course I ever had and I’d like to thank again the instructor Christian Regent who became later on my VCI mentor 🙂

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